UN Chemical

Probabilistic Aggregate Consumer Exposure Model (PACEM).
Within PACEM aggregate exposure is defined as the combined exposure
to one substance from multiple sources, and if applicable, via multiple
routes of exposure (such as ingestion, inhalation and dermal uptake).

VEGA (QSAR models
Quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) models are models linking a property or effect, such as boiling point or toxicity, to parameters associated with chemical structure, such as certain molecular descriptors.
Using the VEGA platform, you can access a series of QSAR models for regulatory purposes, or develop your own model for research purposes.

ECHA - Annex III inventory
ECHA compiled an inventory of substances likely to meet the criteria of Annex III to the REACH Regulation.
The inventory was produced using publicly available databases with experimental data and by using (Q)SAR model results. Indications for hazardous toxicological or ecotoxicological properties together with information on uses and other available relevant information have to be compared with the criteria in Annex III.

PubChem is the world's largest collection of freely accessible chemical information. Search chemicals by name, molecular formula, structure, and other identifiers. Find chemical and physical properties, biological activities, safety and toxicity information, patents, literature citations and more.

Use these equation to convert MBI to weight using height from the same site:

DIET - WHO Food Safety Collaborative Platform
The individual food consumption data available on this e.platform were collated by FAO and WHO into the FAO/WHO database CIFOCOss - Chronic individual food consumption database – Summary statistics - to support chronic dietary exposure assessment.
This database created in 2012 was updated in 2018,

Cosmetic ingredient database
CosIng is the European Commission database for information on cosmetic substances and ingredients contained in the cosmetics.

Safe and Sustainable by Design chemicals and materials
The EU Chemical Strategy for Sustainability (CSS) aims at fostering a transition towards safer and more sustainable chemicals. To ensure this transition, safety and sustainability considerations should be integrated when assessing existing chemicals as well as alternative chemicals that might substitute them.

EFSA OpenFoodTox
EFSA's chemical hazards database.
Assessment information and Reference levels: