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Supporting material 

Estrada abandonada

Summary presentation

The presentation includes:

1. Regulations; 2.  Evaluation criteria; 3. Content of a thesis plan; 4. notes on how to make the Plan.

Estrutura moderna

Ghant chart

Excel ghant chart template

Trabalho no computador

Reading table

The reading table compiles in a structured way the main information from the the bibliography.

abra o livro

Formatting rules

Documents showing how to correctly format technical reports, which are mandatory for the Thesis Plan and the Thesis. 

(Portuguese version here). Mine

(Portuguese version) by Dulce Estêvão & Tânia Nascimento (UAlg´s Health Faculty)


Example of supervisor's declaration

Example declaration to be signed by the supervisor before delivering the Thesis Plan and the Thesis.

May be copied to an email.


Send to lnunes@ualg,pt

Trabalho em equipe


Software tool for constructing and visualizing bibliometric networks. 

Interesting to help doing and to visually complement  your litterature review.

Trabalho em equipe

Important dates

See below


MSc Topics - please see the tutoria

You may chose one of these topics or find one yourself inside our university or abroad.

In the latter case, you need to inform me of the title, supervisor name and place of work.

Moses Estátua no parque de Myers

Thesis regulation (not necessary for the DP)

The official post-graduation regulation. It is not required for this discipline but helps understanding what is required from a thesis. The relevant parts are translated in the "Summary presentation".

abra o livro

Examples of thesis and dissertations

Check here examples of MScand PhD thesis made by former students


Flowchart for the Dissertation Plan


Choose the topic of your thesis. If the supervisor does not belong to UAlg, then you will need another one with an institutional link to it (e.g., a professor or a researcher). 

Inform your supervisor of the need to revise your work and contribute to the final grade (and to the discussion, if available)


Inform me ( of the title, name of the supervisor(s), filliation, and place where the work will be done. 

Please ask you supervisors to email me informing that they accept to supervise your Dissertation (not needed if chosen from list the above)


Write the DP with the help of your supervisor(s). I will help with matters of general content, formatting and regulations.


When the DP is ready, ask your supervisor(s) to declare that the DP is ready to be discussed (an email to me is enough).

Send me the supervisor(s)' declaration and the DP by email. Both in pdf by the 26th of January 2024


I will inform you of the schedulle of the oral defense of the DP, in principle, in the following week.


Oral defense of the DP (open to the other colleagues). Second week of February (date to be confirmed) 

Flowchart for the Dissertation


Continue to work on your dissertation.


Write your dissertation with the tutoring of the supervisor(s). I will support in matters of general content, extent, formatting and other regulations. 


When the dissertation is ready, ask your supervisor(s) to declare that the D is ready to be discussed (an email to me is enough).

Deliver the supervisor declaration and the D at the Academic Services. Until the 30th of September 2023


Within 30 working days (wd) the jury for the defence will be constituted.


Within 30 wd the jury will decide if the dissertation is in conditions to be defended (i.e., it may go against the opinion of the supervisor). 

If the decision is favourable then go to step (6)

If the decision is not favourable, the jury will indicate what needs to be corrected. Go to (9) 


The oral defense will be schedulled within another 30 wd. 


The candidate will be informed by the secretariat about the date and place of the defense.


The oral defense will take place. The candiate will have 20 minutes to do the oral presentation of the work, which is followed by up to 40 minutes of discussion with the jury.


After which the candidate will (if all goes well) get the title of Master of Science (Magister Scientiae)! Congratulations!



If the dissertation needs to be corrected, the candidate has 60 wd to introduce the corrections, with the tutoring of the supervisor(s).


The supervisor(s) must declare that the dissertation is ready to be defended. 

The Declaration and the new Dissertation must be delivered again at the Academic Services.


The process goes back to step (5).

Despite of the calendar slack allowed by the Regulation, the policy is to have all defenses made before the end of December of each academic year. 

To deliver your thesis do:


Complete and sign the RequerimentoEntregaTese and deliver together with the following documentation:


One thesis version in paper (A4), that must include a statement of Authorship, 

The Supervisor(s) letters, declaring that the thesis is in good conditions to be submitted and evaluated.


One CD containing the thesis in PDF format, and a copy of your Curriculum Vitae.


The thesis may be delivered, in person at the Faculty of Sciences and Technology (Office 1.32 of Building 2) at Gambelas Campus, or by postmail to the following address.


University of Algarve

Faculty of Science and Technology

Building 2

Mrs Natália Rodrigues

Gambelas Campus

8005-139 Faro


For other administrative questions contact: Telma Costa (


Request of certificate:

Send an email to requesting the emission of your certificate.

The emission of the certificate has a cost of 180 €.  See here on point 3.


If you cannot deliver the thesis by the established deadline,   the following options apply:

According to the University of Algarve regulations in force (, students who are unable to submit their application for admission to public master's dissertation defense have the following options:


- Option I – Request for suspension of the deadline for submitting the dissertation – Reg. N.º 813-A/2020, of 28/9, Regulation of study cycles leading to master and doctoral degrees at the University of Algarve, article 8.2, in conjunction with Regulation no. 599/2018, Regulation of Tuition fees of the University of Algarve, article 4, no. 9 and Order no. 5611/2021, Table of fees, no. 15. Procedures:


  • Formal request that identifies the number of months required to deliver dissertation, accompanied by declaration of the advisor(s), sent by mail to;

  • The request has a fee of 200.00 euros (Number 15 of the Order nº 5611/2021) that must be paid in order to be submitted for consideration;

  • After the suspension request has been authorized, the payment of the school insurance will be requested, as well as the value of the tuition fees according to the number of months of suspension requested (for example: if the student requests 2 more months to deliver the dissertation, the 1st and 2nd installment of tuition fees must be paid).


- Option II – Renewal of registration for academic year 2022/23. Procedures:

  • Between August 29th and September 9th, the registration period for the renewal of 2022/23 academic year. Upon renewal of registration, provided that the study plan course has not been altered and that the application for registration is solely and exclusively for UC Dissertation / Project / Internship, etc., the student benefits from a 50% reduction in the annual tuition fee. The deadline for delivery will be in 2023 (deadline to be defined in the Academic Calendar for the academic year 2022/23).



© 2023. Luís M Nunes at UAlg

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